It has been awhile since I blogged. I was going to blog when school was out....send pictures of my vacation...but then my vacation did not happen and I have been basically been laid up with knee problems. It is called condramalicia. Nice name for rough and loose cartledge behind my knee cap.
So...instead of a trip to DC....I spent the time on the couch...resting my leg. The doctor says that sometimes resting the leg helps with the I rested. Now, I proble did not rest like I should have....but I rested as good as I could. While I was resting we got the new addition to our family. STORMY. She is a medium hair gray & white cat with the sweetest personality. She loves to purr and she loves to cuddle. She even likes the, she has let them know she is head princess of the house. So...instead of DC...I have become friends with our new member of the house.
Well...resting did not heal the problem, so last Thursday, the doctor did surgery on my knee. Basically he went in and cleaned up the cartledge. Now, in my mind, once he did that, I thought I would be okay. Everyone I bumped into this past month, said, I had knee surgery and I was up and about....I guess they forgot about the pain from surgery. I am not up and about yet. It has been 5 days and to be hurts. My leg is swollen and I do not feel like getting up and about. Now, I will say, Niel had warned me. He said this would happen but then he said, well, when I had knee surgery 25 years I thought, things had change. The lady in the line at Walmart had knee surgery and she was back to work in three days. I guess they only let the fast healers to talk about their surgery....three days. I took a shower and thought being dirty was not all that bad if taking a shower was as painful as mine was. I will admit, our friend Bill did mention on the 3rd day I would feel like a ton of bricks landed on my knee...I feel he discribed it totally correctly. So imagine, a ton of brick pain and I am trying to take a shower. I have brought humor back into your life. 5: Physical Therapy. You know they make you exercise and work out your pain while you pay them. What is that all about. reality, it was not all that bad...but today was the first day. I have physical therapy on Wednesday and then Friday. Niel went with me today...he went to see what I am suppose to do at home. Yes...not only do they expect you to pay them to make your exercise, you have to do homework. Do they not know I am on summer vacation. Now I have homework...and it is not fun homework, it is stretching exercises. Does this mean I have made it to the big time with my own trainer.
On a good note. All three boys were home these past few days. Brian & Chelsea came over to see me but also to celebrate father's day over here. The reason they had the extra time, well, Brian lost his job. So he is job hunting again. This is a tad bit discouraging but I know he will find the right fit for him soon. Please pray for that. So..while they were visiting, Throttle got hurt. He got a huge gash in his back and had to get about 8 staples. Poor little guy. He took it better than I did with my knee but him & I spent the day resting on Sunday. We could have put a sign out front: rehab for all. They headed back to Tampa today...hopefully Throttle will heal fast and that Brian will find a job.
Mark and David were at summer camp two weeks ago. Mark was a counselor and David was a camper. They both had a great time. David even earned the award Mr. I (some award for the best guy camper). He is back at doing Iron Claw (football conditioning). This past Friday, Mark(as acting intern) took the youth group to Rock Springs. They had a great day tubing and relaxing. Funny though, when both Mark & David came home at 5, they both went to bed for the rest of the how much relaxing did they truly get.
Niel....I think he needs a saint award. He has been the chief nurse through all of this....he is so sweet and takes everything with stride. Did I mention the new kitty Stormy likes to play with his legs at midnight. The boys did take him and his dad out to eat on Sunday...I was not up to it...but then Niel brought me leftovers home. He is so sweet. I feel so blessed to have Niel.
Guess that is it. I will not be running any marthons soon (okay,even without this ingury I would not be running any marthons...but that does sound good).
I hope you have enjoyed your June and July will be here before we know it. Summer will be over and I will be back at work. Then I will say, what did I do this summer? Oh yeah....knee surgery and physical therapy.