Well...it is Saturday morning and the weekend in full swing. Last night David's football team had a game under the lights. Now to most people this seems normal, but David's team's field does not have lights, so usually our games are at 4 pm. But last night, being senior night (last home game, you honor the seniors) so they rented or someone donated these lights for the field. So, we had a game under the lights.
This game was great, nice cool weather (another thing we usually do not have at our Florida football games). But this game was even more special. Now, we have the lights, the weather....what more could there be...well....in the middle of the game, at 7:50 , the refs stop the game so we could see the shuttle go up. It was amazing, the glow in the distance and then the glow flying through the sky. Did I mention the sky was a beautiful background for this shuttle.....clear sky, moonlite night.
Still....that is not just it to make it special. So, we have the lights, the weather, and the shuttle....what more could make it special.....well, Family to watch the game. David had his own cheering center. Bob & Denise came down from Virginia to watch, Brian & Chelsea came over from Tampa, and of course David's favorit fans Niel & I were there. It was amazing sitting together and watching the game (Even though I think we stood more than sat...something you do when you watch football).Now....those that are my friends and know that my divorce with Bob totally hurt me (usually happens when someone you trust cheats on you) and those that know that, know that Denise is the one that he ran off with. So most think, how can you sit with her. Well, God is good, and we must move forward in our life. I have the most wonderful husband now who adores the ground I walk on (okay...I will not go that far because you know, I am who I am. But in reality, life is too short to be angry and upset. We need to forgive and move forward. Is that not what God tells us to do? Is that not what my faith is all about? So, that is what I am trying to do...learning to forgive and moving forward. Now, I will admit, at first when I see her, I do get a hurt in my stomach, but I will say, each time is less than it was before....I am a firm believer if you turn stuff over to God and if you do not hold it in and you talk about it to someone, you will be on the road to recovery.(this is important...you can't keep these hurts inside, you have to talk to someone about your feelings..the more you get it out, the faster you will heal)
Now back to the football game and the family weekend news:
Niel even used his Major Robbins voice to cheer some, which totally blew Brian away. I don't think Brian realize what a major in the army sounds like when they use their army voice. You should have seen his eyes,he was looking around to see who had that roaring voice. Now mind you, since I am David's number one fan and I sit next to David's number two fan....I have heard the major roar before; but I will admit that when I first heard it, I too looked around to see where the large cheering voice was coming from. Because those that know Niel, no he is soft spoken with such a tender heart...who would know he had these large sounds inside him.
Here is a picture of David, Bob, & Brian after the game.
Now, since this was senior night. After the game they had a BBQ. So we were all able to get some BBQ and sit down as a family and enjoy more one on one time with the football player. You know the coaches don't let you have one on one time with the players while they are playing. It was just an amazing football night. Oh...for you football stats guys...we lost the game, 13-12. One of those nailbiter games, we lost in the last 4 seconds of the game. Per Niel and the paper, the early turnovers is what killed us during the first half. Another factor, the team we played is one division higher than us. We might have lost, but it was a great night for Merrit Island Christian Football.
The game is over...so what is in store for this Saturday...yard work, NO, house work, ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?...okay, I know those are normal weekend things we do around here...but this is FAMILY WEEKEND....so we are heading to Ocala today to visit my mom, she is 78 today.
I wanted to show you David's hair...yes, he is bald. Even though Mark was not at the game, he was still part of the family weekend. Seems like the boys are always conneceted..which is a good thing (most of the time). This week David went to see his brother in Oklahoma and to see Oklahoma Christian College as well (where Mark goes). Well, Mark, his friends, and David thought it would be cool to give David a Mohawk. Yes a Mohawk....mind you David goes to a Christian School and can not have weird hairdos (which is a good thing)...so when David got off the plane from Oklahoma he looked the picture below....hence why he now has a bald head, the pictures above:
Great Blog. Will have to put it in my favorites list and keep track.
I do have one question. You wrote "the more you get it out, the slower you will heal"
I would think the more you get out the faster you will heal
the less you get out the slower you will heal.
I just wanted to double check to see if I am just thinking differently than you or if your fingers got ahead of your mind (mine do all the time).
Glad the night was enjoyable and that extended families got along.
Roxanne Silva
Roxanne...you are right, my fingers did get ahead of my thought. I meant to say, the more you share, the faster you will heal. Sees what happens when I do something on a Saturday morning.
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